Definition of Parking lot

1. Noun. A lot where cars are parked.

Exact synonyms: Car Park, Park, Parking Area
Generic synonyms: Lot
Specialized synonyms: Used-car Lot
Derivative terms: Park, Park

Definition of Parking lot

1. Noun. (context: North America) An open area, generally paved, where automobiles may be left when not in use. ¹

2. Noun. (American English) (idiomatic) A major thruway blocked by stop and go traffic. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Parking Lot

parking area
parking brake
parking brakes
parking disc
parking discs
parking facilities
parking garage
parking garages
parking lot
parking lots
parking meter
parking meters
parking space
parking spaces
parking ticket
parking tickets
parking violation
parking zone
parkinson disease

Literary usage of Parking lot

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Simple Life by Ruth Porter (2006)
"WHEN CAROL ANN got out of Raymond's car in the parking lot, she could smell flowers. She stuck her head back in the car. It smelled like motor oil in there. ..."

2. Eastern Standard Tribe by Cory Doctorow (2005)
"The parking lot is aswarm with people, fire engines and ambulances. There's a siren going off somewhere down in the bowels of the sanatorium, ..."

3. The Canadian Rockies Adventure Guide by Brenda Koller (2006)
"Visitors were coming and going from their vehicles, families enjoying picnic lunches at the tables along the fringes of the parking lot. ..."

4. Western Canada by Paul-Eric Dumontier, Jennifer McMorran, Pierre Longnus (2004)
"The Path of the Glacier Trail (1.5 km) starts near the parking lot at Mount ... To reach the Cavell Meadow Trail and Peak from the parking lot at Mount ..."

5. Adventure Guide to Switzerland by Kimberley Rinker (2003)
"You can begin at parking lot four (P4) - Punt la Drossa, near the entrance ... Or you can start at parking lot five (P5) or parking lot six (P6) - II Fuorn, ..."

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